Monday, January 4, 2016

A Day of Returns

Today was interesting in that first of all it was very cold here in Juarez.  It is costing me money every day to keep warm; firewood and propane.  So what little  money I have is temporarily going up the chimney so to speak, until it warms up a little which myself and many people here hope will be soon.

My steering wheel has been shaking a lot lately and I discovered what the problem was today.  A used tire that I bought last week seems to have slipped a belt.  It was concave in the part visible to me.  My friend Julio and I decided to go back to the place that sold me the tire and see if their was any chance in them replacing it at no charge.  It was a long shot but guess what it worked.  

They took the bad tire off and replaced it with another used tire on the condition that their guarantee would only be good for 10 days.  I was happy to get the tire replaced with or without the guarantee as long as it didn't cost me anymore for replacing it.  As I mentioned money is tight right now.  Last week I was able to pass motor vehicle inspection in El Paso but I still have to pay for vehicle registration.

I also found myself returning to a flat tire fixing place called Disponchadoras, here in Juarez, of which their are many,  where I visited last week also to fix another tire on my car that was leaking air all last week.  Had to keep putting air in it every day.  

Turns out after they repaired the tire and put it back on the car they forgot to put one of my lug nuts back on.  I went back today and pointed out the problem and they were happy to replace the missing lug nut.  And off we go.

Well one more return.  Last week I bought a cd of oldies songs that when I got into my car and inserted it into my cd player it didn't work.  So next on my list was to go back to where I bought it and see if I could get the cd replaced hoping again that it would not cost me.  It didn't.  He was happy to give me another one.  And that one worked.

So today was a day of "go back where you bought it" and have them fix the problem.  It all worked for the good.

Here's where I had my tire replaced today.

Also today, I heard from my friend Pastor Abel, who's church I spoke in yesterday and I am encouraged to hear that several people from his church, including Pastor Abel himself, are interested in starting our 
new Trimester 1 Class at our Bible School - Instituto Biblico Juarez beginning January 25, 2016.

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