This past Sunday I attended the church where I held Bible School classes the last time I was here before leaving at the end of June, 2018. On Monday I had a meeting with the pastor of that church and we talked for two hours catching up on what's been happening since classes ended last time and agreeing to begin them again this coming Saturday.
We will be starting Trimester 2 with there with 4 returning students out of the 10 that completed Trimester 1 before I left last time. For various reasons the others had made decisions not to continue. This is not uncommon. People make commitments to start and finish something such as Bible School and then one thing or another happens in their lives to halt their progress. My prayer is that those who will be back will continue with these next 4 Trimesters but only time will tell.
In the mean time I am back to looking for other potential students from other churches to begin this 5 Trimester curriculum of Biblical Studies.

The Fall season is upon us, the weather has gotten cooler. I am wearing jackets now and using propane and an electric heater inside my house. Halloween is coming up next as well as Thanksgiving and of course Christmas. We shall see what God has in store for us here as we purpose to serve God here in Juarez, Mexico. Stay tuned...
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