Saturday, January 28, 2012

Missions Work in Juarez

Today is cold morning in Juarez.  I live in a cement block one room house with a small kitchen and bathroom and no heat and currently no electricity for lack of funds. Living by faith on the mission field means depending on others for your support.  When others come through for you things get easier but when those that you would hope would help don't then you just wait on the Lord until they do.  In the interval you serve the Lord as best you can as He leads. At night I have a little light from candles and a flashlight that hangs from my ceiling.  If you think missionaries have it easy, come and join me for a few weeks.  

Last night I hosted class number 8 of Libros Romanos ( The Book of Romans ) which is a bi-lingual 10 week video teaching series taught on video by Rev. Paul Johannson former president of Elim Bible Institute of Lima, NY.  This has been a very well received course and I may have the opportunity to teach it again in another church before the time for this mission comes to an end.  I am currently praying about a return to Buffalo around Easter time.  

This is a photo of the  church that I am hosting this video series in led by my close friend here; Pastor Julio.  Pastor Julio had the electricity in his church turned off before I arrived back in October due to lack of funds on the church's part.  The people that he ministers to each week are very low income people and the offerings that are received are not enough to keep the lights on there.  We have to run an electrical cable from the church to a home across the dirt road.  Each time we have church we run the cable from her house to the church and connect the two wires to two wires from the church and bingo we have light.  We we are done with church or whatever meeting we are there for we disconnect the wires and ravel up the cord and store it for next time.  After our meeting last night Pastor Julio and I stopped off at a local hamburgesa place in Juarez and got ourselves two burgers for ten peso's each, about $2.00 total.  They threw in a couple of jalapeno peppers which were very good with the burgers, not too hot, just right to add a little zing to the burger.

This morning I am on a mission to secure some small plastic communion cups in El Paso to bring back to Pastor Julio.  A week or so ago God put it on my heart to confront Pastor Julio with the revelation that God awoke me with one night of not having received communion in his church since I arrived back in October.  I began to explain to him the importance of communion on a regular basis and he agreed with me that he had been lax in that area.  The Holy Spirit renewed the importance of this sacrament to his heart and he made an immediate decision to offer communion on a more regular basis beginning with communion tomorrow.  The first thing we realized is that we didn't have communion cups so the search for some began.

After several unsuccessful  attempts in downtown Juarez to find a source I remembered a mutual friend in El Paso named Cesar.  Our friend Cesar has agreed to help us out in that department.  I am on my way to meet up with him this morning.  I have just crossed over the Juarez bridge and am sitting in a local MacDonald's with free wi-fi writing this before making my way to our agreed upon meeting place, the local post office in El Paso where I will also check my P.O. Box to see if any one I know has sent me anything.  Hopefully that will be the case instead of another empty PO Box,  something missionaries don't look forward to but nevertheless, is a reality more often than not.

Before I cross back over to Juarez I will make my ritual stop at Church's Chicken where I can get a thigh and a biscuit for $1.00 and a free cup of water.  Looking forward to that later on.  Meals are not something I worry about here.  God has a way of providing through the people we minister to.  If you are wondering what its like to do missions work in a foreign country stay tuned.  I'll tell you as time goes on.

Before I bring this post to a conclusion I'd like to mention a prayer request that both Pastor Julio and I have.  We need more folding metal chairs for his church.  Since I have been here our church attendance has grown and now we are finding that people enter on Sunday morning and we have no seats for them to sit down on.  Keep us in prayer for that as we ask God to provide either the finances for more chairs or more chairs from whatever source He can locate for us in Jesus name.  Amen.

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